Throughout the year, our urban conservation staff works to provide annual training opportunities for municipal/county staff and contractors that work within Franklin County. Annual good housekeeping and pollution prevention workshops are one of the easiest ways to meet annual training requirements and can be scheduled at any time of the year.
We also offer our local municipal/county staff access to an online portal that allows us to assign various stormwater-related video courses throughout the year to meet annual training needs. Courses can be completed any time throughout the year, providing flexibility to staff! If you are interested in learning more, just email Brooke at
If you missed out on attending our 2020 MCM Webinar Series, the recordings can be accessed via our YouTube Channel
Presentations from Past Workshops (pdf versions)Other ResourcesWe also have a couple training videos that we have purchased from Excal Visual Inc. that you can check-out from us (for free). These are perfect for providing a quick refresher to new and/or seasonal employees, that may not be on staff at the time of the annual workshop. Simply contact Brooke Frusher or David Reutter if you are interested in this option. Below is a quick description of each.
IDDE: A Grate ConcernMunicipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) operators are required to train employees and contractors on control measures for stormwater pollution prevention. One such control measure is illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE). This kit is designed to train government employees and contractors on IDDE. The 14¼ minute video focuses on the hazards of illicit discharges and shows employees how to spot them.
Storm Watch: Municipal Stormwater Pollution PreventionRegulated municipalities are required to train their employees on stormwater pollution prevention and BMPs. This 20-minute training video helps regulated municipalities (Phase I and Phase II) train their employees as required under their Permit. The program focuses on BMPs that are important to many municipal operations such as good housekeeping, spill response, materials storage and handling, landscape maintenance and street maintenance. Employees working in fleet maintenance, garages, parks, recreation facilities, street maintenance and other departments can all benefit from this information.