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1404 Goodale Boulevard, Suite 100
Columbus, OH 43212
Phone: (614) 486-9613
Fax: (614) 486-9614

Urban Conservation


Our goal is to reduce negative impacts from development and urban activities, as well as encouraging land management decisions that consider natural resource realities.

Some of the services/assistance offered to local governments, developers, and residents within Franklin County include:
  • National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II Storm Water Program Management
  • Review Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWP3) for all development within unincorporated Franklin County
  • Conduct routine inspections to ensure compliance with SWP3s
  • Provide trainings for staff and contractors
  • Assist local residents with concerns and questions in regards to urban development, stormwater runoff, and natural resource conservation
  • Conduct lot split reviews (site visit and consultation)
  • Determine soils suitability for construction
  • Drainage and other land uses

Handouts (General Information)

Handouts (Construction)

Handouts (Post Construction)
