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1404 Goodale Boulevard, Suite 100
Columbus, OH 43212
Phone: (614) 486-9613
Fax: (614) 486-9614


Environmental Education 'SWIFTLETS'

SWIFTlet newsletters are two-page documents that include soil/water information and learning activities related to a specific environmental theme. Activities are aligned to Ohio’s New Learning Standards for Earth & Space Sciences and Life Sciences and can be used to extend learning at-home or in the classroom.


SWIFTLET 1 - Pesky PollutionSWIFTLET 16- Colorful Compost
SWIFTLET 2 - Soil Super Heroes!
SWIFTLET 17- Below the Winter Snow
SWIFTLET 3 - Surprising Seeds
SWIFTLET 18- Venturing Into Vernal Pools
SWIFTLET 4- Native Plants
SWIFTLET 19- Fascinating Fossils
SWIFTLET 5- Celebrating the Earth
SWIFTLET 20- Curious Clouds
SWIFTLET 6 - Pollinator Power
SWIFTLET 21- Cicada Palooza
SWIFTLET 7 - Wonders of Water
SWIFTLET 22- Amazing Agriculture
SWIFTLET 8 - Helping Hands  for Endangered Friends
SWIFTLET+ 1: Macro Informants
SWIFTLET 9- Mighty Macros 
SWIFTLET+ 2: Wild Waterways
SWIFTLET 10- Splendid Soil

SWIFTLET 11- Scoop on SCAT

SWIFTLET 12- Stream Stewardship

SWIFTLET 13- Waste Not, Want Not (Hazardous Waste)

SWIFTLET 14- Looking at Leaves

SWIFTLET 15- Studying Stormwater