Watershed groups are coalitions of citizens who volunteer to protect and improve their local waterways. You will find members of local watershed groups doing everything from advocating for clean water to local government entities, picking up litter, removing invasive species, educating their fellow residents at community events, and planting native plants. It's important that we recognize the efforts of these volunteer watershed groups, and provide them with resources that enhance the services they provide for their communities.
The City of Columbus Department of Public Utilities and Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District are pleased to announce the launch of the Columbus Watershed Partner Service Agreement Program! The application window will be from October 16, 2024 to November 17th, 2024. Below you will find a complete description of the grant in the Request for Proposals in addition to the application and rules and processes for applying for and receiving funds. If you have any questions please e-mail Henry Stahl.
The Columbus Watershed Partner Service Agreement Program allows the City to enter into service agreements with qualifying watershed groups in the City of Columbus. These groups can then provide services to the City that are relevant to the mission of DPU, such as public education or implementation of projects that use best practices to control or reduce stormwater. This program follows principles of the One Water concept, which recognizes that water must be managed in ways that respect and respond to the natural flows of watersheds and the natural ecosystem, geology, and hydrology of the area. Watershed-level management brings together regional partners from within and beyond the water sector in joint planning and collaborative action to protect the shared natural resource that is essential for health, agriculture, industry, aquatic species, forests, wildlife, recreation, and life itself. Our watershed groups are an important part of the communities and systems that help us achieve our water quality goals, and we are excited to support them in new ways. The total funding amount available for this year is $50,000.
This program is modeled from a program administered by the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District.
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