This page is under construction - stay tuned!
NACD Urban and Community Conservation Grant ResourcesComing soon - Free soil tests, Good Agricultural Practices trainings, and soil health workshops, funded through an
NACD Urban and Community Conservation grant ! Soil tests and GAP trainings will be available through a simple application process.
Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) CoursesThe questionnaire (only 6 questions!) for free, online, self-guided Good Agricultural Practices training can be accessed
HERE. This questionnaire will be open from February 17th, 2025 until November 14th, 2025, or until all access codes are distributed. This questionnaire is available in multiple languages, please click the globe logo at the top left of the screen (icon to the right).

There are fifty (50) access codes available and will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis to eligible participants. The ideal person to take this training is someone who either leads an organization or has worked at an organization for at least one or two seasons. The organization must make produce available to the public through sale or donation.
Free Soil Tests and Interpretation from OSU Extension
Through the NACD grant, we have purchased 140 soil test kits to distribute to local urban farms and community gardens. Stay tuned for information on how to access these soil test kits. OSU Extension will provide free interpretation of results.
Soil Health Workshops
Soil health workshops will be held in the spring (March - May) at OSU Extension - Franklin County's office at the
Kunz-Brundige Franklin County Extension Building, 2548 Carmack Rd., Columbus, OH 43210. These workshops will be taught by your friendly county soil health experts with OSU Extension, with support from FSWCD and NRCS. These workshops will also be free, but space will be limited.
Resources for local growers - conventional and urban!Franklin County Urban Agriculture Critical Infrastructure GrantThe Columbus Foundation Community Garden Grants - Application deadline Q1 2025OSU Extension Franklin County Agricultural Lands and NRCSFarm On: OSU Farm Financial Management CourseMidwest Cover Crop Council Cover Crop Decision Tool