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1404 Goodale Boulevard, Suite 100
Columbus, OH 43212
Phone: (614) 486-9613
Fax: (614) 486-9614

Franklin County Stormwater Management Plan

The Franklin County Stormwater Partnership and program were initiated in 2003 to coordinate programs related to drainage management, water quality management and stormwater regulation compliance. The partnership was formed among the County Drainage Engineer, Economic Development and Planning, Sanitary Engineer, Public Health, Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District and 17 townships. More recently, Franklin County Public Facilities Management and Fleet Management, and Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission have joined the partnership. The Franklin County Commissioners are the Permittee with the County Drainage Engineer and townships as Co-Permittees, for compliance with the Small MS4 general permit under the Ohio EPA Stormwater regulation program.

Franklin County Stormwater Management Plan (2022-2026)

Franklin County Stormwater IDDE Plan (2020)