Hellbranch Meadows
Visit our Hellbranch Meadows News page for recent projects and more photos!Franklin Soil and Water’s Hellbranch Meadows was purchased in 2008 through the Clean Ohio Fund and matching funds from the Franklin County Commissioners. It's a nearly 200 acre property located in western Franklin County near the village of Galloway. Hellbranch Meadows takes its name from the property’s cornerstone feature, Hellbranch Run, a major tributary of Big Darby Creek, a State and National Scenic River. Previously used for agricultural purposes, the property serves as an excellent opportunity for Franklin Soil and Water to demonstrate a variety of restoration techniques ranging from full scale stream and wetland restoration to tree planting and invasive species removal.
Thanks to a grant from the Water Resources Restoration Sponsorship Program (WRRSP), work was completed in 2020 which resulted in; the restoration of 2,890 linear feet of Hellbranch Run including restoration of a floodplain bench, the day-lighting and restoration of an unnamed tributary stream, restoration of floodplain and upland wetlands, and extensive reforestation and prairie planting throughout the project area. In 2023, work began on the "front 40" acres of Hellbranch Meadows, thanks to an H2Ohio Grant from ODNR. This project includes restoration resulting in 11 acres of wetlands and 18 acres of wetland buffers. Restored areas will receive additional protection in perpetuity through the recording of an environmental covenant with the Ohio EPA. Below is a map of the project area and proposed restoration plans (click here for a full sized pdf).

Additional restoration and demonstrations projects will take place on the property as funding becomes available. Long term plans also include the desire for the development of educational trails, connection to a regional trail system, and the construction of a shelter house or pavilion to be used for educational programming.
You can track the progress of the restoration project, and all things Hellbranch Meadows, by following us on our social media pages and though periodic updates to this page.
For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact Kyle Wilson, Assistant Director, at (614) 486-9613 ext. 128 or by