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1404 Goodale Boulevard, Suite 100
Columbus, OH 43212
Phone: (614) 486-9613
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Prospective Sewer Area Project

In an effort to effectively develop a long range plan for the county NPDES permit and to allow for better communication and collaboration among Franklin Soil and Water, Franklin County Public Health, Franklin County Engineer and Franklin County Sanitary Engineer, a study was developed to assess the potential health threats throughout unincorporated Franklin County related to household sewage issues. This study is serving as a guide for the required IDDE Plan while at the same time, providing the Sanitary Engineer with a general prioritization of various areas throughout the county in need of sanitary sewers.

The summaries and mapping derived from this study are to be used in upcoming reports and public presentations related to various sewer issues. Prior to this use of our GIS, there had not been any objective, comprehensive evaluation of the whole of unincorporated Franklin County related to sewage issues. It is hoped that this study will serve it’s role for several years to come as various plans are implemented. This study was not ‘the’ answer in and of itself, but it has provided a common framework for additional planning and agency coordination.

The means and methods identified for dealing with the illicit discharges will take into account the time frames associated with viable sanitary sewer projects as identified by FCSE and FCPH and PSA locations which are very unlikely to receive sewers (such as the PSAs in the Darby Accord boundary). The intent of these means and methods is to define the process to deal with the illicit discharges in each of the identified PSAs.