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Columbus, OH 43212
Phone: (614) 486-9613
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Broadleaf Trees

Shop Homepage > Spring Tree and Plant Sale > Bare Root Tree and Shrub Bundles (and Live Stakes) > Broadleaf Trees

Prunus alleghaniensis
Our Price $12.00
Bundle of 5

Hamamelis virginiana (common witchhazel) (9).JPG
Hamamelis virginiana
Our Price $12.00
Bundle of 5

Amelanchier arborea_TLM_IMG00071.jpg
Amelanchier arborea
Our Price $12.00
Bundle of 5

Cercis canadensis (redbud) (4).JPG
Cercis canadensis
Our Price $12.00
Bundle of 5

Asimina triloba (Pawpaw) (2).jpg
Asimina triloba
Our Price $12.00
Bundle of 5

Diospyros virginiana (Common Persimmon) (2).jpg
Diospyros virginiana
Our Price $12.00
Bundle of 5

Sassafras albidum (Sassafras) (5).jpg
Sassafras albidum
Our Price $12.00
Bundle of 5

Quercus shumardii
Our Price $12.00
Bundle of 5

Magnolia virginiana
Our Price $12.00
Bundle of 5

Liriodendron tulipfera (tulip poplar) (2).jpg
Liriodendron tulipifera
Our Price $12.00
Single Tree